
Studham Village CE Academy

Caring to Learn, Learning to Care - All Flourishing as Children of God

Class Information

In Oak Class we always try to encourage independence and confidence in all our children and have several routines to support this process.




Children can come into school from 08:45 and should enter from the playground entrance to their classroom where a member of staff will be waiting. Registration is at 08:55 when the door will be closed.  


If you would like to speak to me, you are welcome to come into my classroom with your child in the morning so we can have a chat.


Each child will have a named peg to hang up their belongings which will remain theirs for the school year. Each child should have their own named water bottle and children have access to fresh, cold water from the water dispenser all day.


There is a trolley in the cloakroom for packed lunches and a water carrier for water bottles.


When children have reading books, they will be expected to take their reading books out of their book bags and place them in the book tray.  


Once this has been done, and depending on the time the children arrive, they  will either participate in an activity or sit on the carpet waiting for the teacher to begin the day.




We operate a rolling snack all day and children can choose to eat a piece of fruit or vegetable and have a drink of milk or water from their bottles.  During continuous provision (when the children are choosing their own activities) children are able to drink freely and use the toilet facilities without the need to ask permission from staff.


Collective Worship


Children in reception are not expected to attend daily Collective Worship initially, but will be invited to participate where the content is accessible to them.  Their participation will increase during the school year ready for when they join Sycamore Class.


Morning Playtime


As Oak Class have regular access to the outdoor area, as well as the large playground, throughout the day, they will remain with their class during morning and lunchtime 'whole school' playtimes.  Children become absorbed in their activities and disruption can affect their concentration, learning and progress.  In the summer term, children will begin to participate in these sessions as part of their transition into Sycamore Class.




Oak Class have their lunch with the preschool children at 12:00 and there is a member of staff to support them whilst they are eating.  They are expected to line up sensibly, collect their lunch and carry their plate back to the table.  The staff will then help them cut up their food, take their plate when they have finished and bring their dessert. 


Once children have finished their lunch, they will be taken back to the Early Years Unit where they can play inside or outside until 13:15, when the afternoon register will be taken.  During the spring/summer term, Oak Class will begin to join the rest of the school on the playground after lunch.




Children gather on the carpet at 15:00 for a story or a whole class activity before being dismissed by a member of staff to their parents waiting on the playground at 15:15.


The safety of the children is our utmost priority and we will only dismiss children to parents or family members that have been introduced as people who will be collecting children.  If you ask someone to collect your child from school, please be advised that we will only release your child to them if we have been notified of the situation by you.  This could be done personally with a member of staff in the morning, by letter or email to the class teacher, or by telephone or email to the office.


It is possible to have a standing arrangement with another parent that gives permission for them to collect your child and this can be arranged by notifying the office who will put that person down as an authorised collector of your child.
