
Studham Village CE Academy

Caring to Learn, Learning to Care - All Flourishing as Children of God

Our Governing Body

Studham Village CE Academy - Our Governors


Caron Doodson - Chair of Governors


Caren is a recently retired primary headteacher.  She was headteacher of a two form entry school in Hertfordshire where there was a very strong positive ethos and where her fundamental vision was that every child and adult experienced a positive, enriching environment, where they felt safe, happy, valued, trusted and equipped to reach their true potential. Caren joined Studham Village CE Academy LGB in March 2023


Nancy Horton - Vice Chair of Governors


Nancy Horton is a Studham resident and experienced member of the Governing Board, having joined in 2013.  Nancy is a member of the Curriculum and Ethos Committee and the Finance Committee.


Ken France 


Ken is a Foundation Governor, member of the Curriculum and Ethos Committee and Governor for Effectiveness and Succession Planning.


Julie Allam - Trust Governor


Julie is a local resident, retired project manager, parent and grandmother. She joined the Governing Board in September 2021. She is a member of the Curriculum and Ethos Committee, Early Years Admissions Panel and Staff Wellbeing Lead.  Julie is looking forward to using her experiences to benefit all at Studham Village CE Academy.


Ruth Brazier - Staff Governor


Ruth is currently a Key Stage 2 Teacher at Studham Village CE Academy.


Nicola Lenthall - Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education


Nicola is the Reverend of Kensworth, Whipsnade and Studham and is a member of the Curriculum and Ethos Committee.


Sarah MacKenzie-Skea - Headteacher


Sarah is the Headteacher of Studham Village CE Academy and is a member of the Curriculum and Ethos Committee, Early Years Admission Panel and the Finance Committee.


Geoff Sutton - Parent Governor


Geoff has been a Parent Governor since September 2021. He is the Associate Director of Step, a Christian schools work charity in St Albans and Harpenden. Geoff is the lead governor for Ethos and Christian Distinctiveness. 


Joan Wright - Trust Governor


Joan is a local resident who has recently retired. Joan was previously a primary teacher, and music consultant working across all stages of education. She joined the Governing Board in November 2024.

Joan is the link governor for SEND and is looking forward to working with the school sharing her vast experience in primary music. 



TBC - Clerk
