
Studham Village CE Academy

Caring to Learn, Learning to Care - All Flourishing as Children of God

Contact Details and School Opening Hours

Studham Village CE Academy
Church Road


Headteacher:Mrs S MacKenzie-Skea
SENDCo:Mrs S O'Neill
Office Manager (for day-to-day queries):Ms J Oldham
Chair of GovernorsMrs C Doodson


Telephone: 01582 872337


All the above contacts can be reached via the school office using the email address or telephone number above.

School Opening Hours


Doors Open for Drop Off08:45
Dismissal from Classrooms to Playground15:15
Total time our school is open per week - 32.5 hours


Before and after school clubs are available, please see our 'School Clubs' pages for information.


Studham School Clubs

If you would like any further information about our school or have a query, please contact our Office Manager,    Ms Julia Oldham on the school office telephone number: 01582 872337.


Paper copies of any information on our website can be obtained by contacting the school office.

Enquiry Form
