Studham Village CE Academy
Church Road
Headteacher: | Mrs S MacKenzie-Skea |
SENDCo: | Mrs S MacKenzie-Skea |
Office Manager (for day-to-day queries): | Ms J Oldham |
Chair of Governors | Mrs C Doodson |
Telephone: 01582 872337
All the above contacts can be reached via the school office using the email address or telephone number above.
School Opening Hours
Time | |
Doors Open for Drop Off | 08:45 |
Dismissal from Classrooms to Playground | 15:15 |
Total time our school is open per week - 32.5 hours |
Before and after school clubs are available, please see our 'School Clubs' pages for information.
If you would like any further information about our school or have a query, please contact our Office Manager, Ms Julia Oldham on the school office telephone number: 01582 872337.
Paper copies of any information on our website can be obtained by contacting the school office.